
Luton – Banking On Promotion To Fund Our Future Suggestion

Image for Luton – Banking On Promotion To Fund Our Future Suggestion

Sat down the local public house last night, enjoying the fine summer weather, the usual crowd came up with an interesting theory.

When discussing the summer transfer business, especially the incoming signings, one bright spark came up with an interesting theory.

With SEVEN signings already completed, many for our now very familiar phrase – undisclosed fee, the question was asked whether Luton Town were going for broke this season?

Not broke as far as a lack of cash flow is concerned but more of a drive for promotion.

The reasoning given by the originator of this question was that we’ve heard very little relating to the Power Court development lately.

Those who have frequented that part of the town recently will acknowledge that since knocking down the row of buildings, opposite the car hire place, nothing else seems to be happening.

Continuing to back his case, the originator had convinced himself that with inflation climbing and the cost of buying anything and everything going up, costs to complete the project must also be escalating.

Earlier this year, when the Hatters were in the Championship play-offs, several contributors inferred just one season in the top-flight of English football would fund the development, even if our stay in the Premier League was just fleetingly brief.

So, to sum up, the originator offered up the theory that Luton Town are gunning for promotion to fund Power Court before its cost gets too much for the club to consider completing a project that would safeguard this fine club of ours.

Last night, I lay awake, courtesy of the heat, mulling over those very thoughts, is the originator flailing around in the dark or does he have a valid theory?

Please feel free to have your say in the comment facility beneath this article.


Luton's Transfer Business This Summer Has Been?







Previous article by Mad Hatter

Luton Support Don’t Want This Player To Leave

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  • Protein_Deficient says:

    I can see how some might think this to be the case, but it would financial suicide to roll the dice on such a proposition.
    I believe that the players we have bought are considered investments that will gain value over time, as well as help us to results on the pitch this season.
    Luton over-achieved with their 6th place finish this past season, i’d be happy with a top half finish again and solidify ourselves as a genuine Championship team with an eye on the playoffs.
    If the stadium can’t be built as things stand, then we’ll be left treading water.

  • hatter75 says:

    Afternoon MH. iI am pretty convinced we are giving all to gain promotion as I have commented previously. without this or another major sponsor/wealthy shareholder coming on board we may not see a new stadium in my lifetime. Cannot understand why the house building on the Power Court site cannot start. 3500 houses are to be built at Barton-Le Clay because Luton Council cannot meet its housing needs so why cannot Power Court be used? If all else fails we may have to resort to having sponsorship from a major betting company as many other clubs have done ( although myself and club) would not wish to use this route?

    Can we gain promotion I believe Nathan and the new team can do it!


    • Chris winter says:

      Hi 75, while I have no proof. It may be as you will remember the site of 2 towers an possibly likely that a pollution problem may exist. Like happened at the vauxhall site an various things have to be done before work can begin.

  • Chris winter says:

    Whilst I admit I myself have so mentioned this in a post. It’s not beyond the realm of fantasy. But with this lot as we know keep their cards very close to their chests. I wouldn’t play poker with them. They may surprise us all. All we can do is wait an see.

  • Chris winter says:

    Hi mh, hearing a deal has finally been done with the Canadian. But don’t be surprised if he goes straight to forest Green for the season.

    • Mad Hatter says:

      hearing the rumours myself Chris, will cover it in the morning, too damn hot to work at the moment 🙂

  • Tariq says:

    The rumours around the stadium funding has been doing the rounds. It is very possible that promotion may help pay for its build but equally it is important to have a strong team first. A stadium with a weak team is costly to maintain. With the Championship getting ever so close to mini premier league no team is guaranteed promotion or safe from relegation ( e.g Barnsley). Therefore in my opinion invest in the team and with some guarantee that the team will stay in top half then perhaps seek investment etc for stadium. It must be remembered that some players signed are not for now but for future. Luton’s history of producing conveyor belt of talent dried out during out conference years ( and few years before that) so NJ is right to re-develop and re-invigorate the youth set up for future.

  • Tariq says:

    As for Pepple, yes the deal on a 3 year contract is done. he will not join FRG or any other team is in all likelihood will remain at Luton for first year and learn the Luton way and learn from 3 of the best and experienced strikers in the Championship. He will go on loan year after or fight for first team.

  • jimbo says:

    any building projects of this magnitude will have so many changes, it won’t be over till the last brick is laid. delays cause rising costs, never ending circle. just be patient. regarding players, lets hope somebody fills naismiths shoes. remember his doubters when he came to luton. lets hope for more rotation this year with more substitutes being allowed.maybe young players given a chance. also expecting great things from the development squad.exciting times ahead.COYH.

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