This time last week, I embarked on a mission to discover who, out of the many centre-backs who have played for Luton Town, were good enough to make your top-five.
The response to the article far exceeded my expectations and further articles, along the same lines, will be published in the near future.
The article – the-great-centre-back-debate-starts-here – contained a prompt list with the aim being to jog your memories with the names of some of our finest centre-backs.
I also pointed out that the outcome could depend on what generation you belong to, meaning some of the younger generation may not have been alive to savour the talents of men from yesteryear, like Syd Owen, Ronnie Cope and Terry Kelly, all names subsequently thrown into the fray by our readership.
However, a week after publication of the original article it is now time to reveal who made your all-time top-five centre back list:
1 – Steve Foster
2 – Mal Donaghy
3 – Chris Nicholl
4 – Paul Futcher
5 – Syd Owen / Terry Branston
Others that got honourable mentions were:
• John Moore
• Curtis Davis
• Teden Mengi
• Tom Lockyer
• Paul Elliott
• John Faulkner
Thanks to all those that participated.
Please feel free to discuss the results in the comment facility beneath this article.
Please lookout for similar articles on the same theme being published shortly.
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Previous article by Mad Hatter
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I have been fortunate enough to have seen all the centre half’s at Town since the Les Hall /Syd Owen day’s and in my opinion we have had some great players in that position but Syd Owen tops the lot. If it wasn’t the old farts picking the England team in them days,players generally picked from fashionable clubs rather than on performances Syd worth more caps than Billy Wight.
my late father used to tell me all about Syd but I’m too young to have seen him play.
Syd Owen, an England International who played in a World Cup and was also the only Luton player ever to be Footballer of the Year’. All the others are also rans. That’s with the benefit of seeing all the nominees play.
nice post