About a week ago, following an evening consuming alcoholic beverages, a chance remark provided me with the opportunity to publish an article, and a poll.
The article – stranger-things-have-happened-in-this-wonderful-game-of-ours – covered the possibility that, if there is a change in the managerial hot seat, could the incumbent be Nathan Jones, with the Welshman returning for a third spell in charge of the Hatters?
The associated poll, entitled:
A Third Spell For Nathan Jones?
Provided three options or you to choose from:
The results proved to be interesting with a cool 52% voting for the NO CHANCE option, obviously not impressed by Nathan leaving the club, twice to try his hand at Stoke City and then Southampton.
As for the remainder of the votes cast, 18% went for POSSIBLY, perhaps not writing off the scenario of a third spell, at the club, completely.
But, just as interesting were the 30% of votes cast for the third option, DON’T WRITE IT OFF, clearly agreeing with the old adage, stranger things have happened in this wonderful game of ours!
Thanks for your continued support for our, sometimes, off the wall articles, it is greatly appreciated.
Luton Town v Hull City?
Luton Town to Win!

Hull City to Win!

A Draw!

Previous article by Mad Hatter
Luton Town – An Interesting Piece Of Speculation Emerges
NJ has done a lot for our club but if he returns I won’t be until he’s gone !!! This club has to move forward NOT backwards
Totally agree Steve, nothing would change in tactics and personall
A complete change of tack is required not same old, same old. Players and management need a complete shake up, we have become totally predicable and every one we play has sussed it out.
reduce the long balls, play through the middle, put players in there best position. always sounds simple. RE says its down to him, but in truth its the players that have to step up, and show desire , instead of giving up, and head dropping. the fans need something to be proud of. win or lose, show some desire, give your fans some hope.COYH.