Hatters Supporters Views On The Best News For Decades

Last night, Luton Town Football Club took a giant step into what many perceive as securing their future.

After a nail-biting few months, the council have given the Hatters the approval they sought to build their much-needed new stadium at Power Court, something the club proudly announced on their Twitter site.

However, only half the battle is won, we still have to wait for the Newlands development to also be approved later this month as it is that scheme that will, primarily, fund the stadium development.

Naturally, after the council had debated the scenario, social media was alive with Hatters supporters eager to celebrate the news whilst also showing their appreciation for all those who have battled so hard to move the Hatters into the correct century and leave behind Kenilworth Road, a quaint ground but one that continues to hold back the club as far as significant progress goes.

Below, are a few points that illustrate the above paragraph perfectly:

However, the cynic in me still doubts whether the stadium will get built. I’m long in the tooth and I’ve witnessed so many false dawns, but, believe you me, once those first foundations are laid and the stadium starts to rise, I’ll be the first to stand next to the building site, crack open a can and toast the arrival of the new dawn we’ve dreamed of for so many years.


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